What’s your workout??

Posted: November 21, 2011 in Uncategorized

Today I want to know what kind of workout you do and if it’s working for you or against you? I do cross fit as well as intervals and I do that 3 days a week and I also do sprints on off days. It’s very important that you allow your body to recover for you to meet your goals. my WOD or for those who don’t know what that means it stands for (Workout Of the Day) was as follows:
Warm Up:
100 jump ropes and 40 jumping jacks
5 front squats with a 30 pound sandbag
10 burpees
15 Kettle Bells swings with a 26 pound KB
I finished in 7:40:)
Let me know what kind of workout you do and how it’s changed your body:)
til next time,

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